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Image by Augustine Wong

Professional Biography

Musician Biography: Death Ray Robin

Client: Death Ray Robin is a music project by Columbia, SC artist Desirée Richardson

Challenge: Richardson is a dynamic and talented musician who had been quietly working on her own music for over the course of a year. When she was ready to take her project public, she knew she wanted to do it the right way rather than try and master everything herself. Richardson came to me to help create her professional biographies that would give the world a view into her personal brand.

Solution: After a discovery call to get a feel of how she wanted to present herself in this project, I got to work. I wrote three biographies, a short bio to be used on social media, a single paragraph biography to be used on platforms like S
potify, and a longer one for press releases and articles. Launching this project was a major step for Richardson, and my mission was to accurately represent her brand, music, and personality. Below is one of her three biographies.

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